SAYI 43 / 1 HAZÝRAN 2005


(Turkish >>>)

Neþe Yaþýn

Why are Cypriots so fond of their island’s map? Whenever a book is published on Cyprus the map is on the cover. It is on posters for seminars, meetings and cultural activities. It is the logo of companies. It is everywhere. There is no other country, which has placed its map at the center of her flag. The map has become a kitsch. It is on ashtrays, coffee cups and on every kind of souvenirs for tourist. I think many Cypriots think that their map is very esthetic. Although some artists do not share this view. I once talked about this to the painter Asik Mene and he directly said “ No, its anti-aesthetic; it should have been carved better”

He entered into a detailed analysis: “ The neck and body has proportional mistakes. There is no connective proportion between main body and neck. The west part has very funny particularities; like the back of a duck. The Limassol bay is very sentimental contrary to the rest. With all its inclinations and erotic carvings it carries the particularities of a kitsch.The most impressive part is the pregnancy of the map. I like this

There are several different views about what this map resembles to. Once the humorist George Mikes said, “ The Cypriots know that they can not become a world power, but they have succeeded in becoming a world nuisance, which is almost as good.”

Alone in the Mediterranean it looks like a steak chop. Delicious and longed for. It is the food for gentlemen and ladies. Steak is part of sanguine mythology as Roland Barthes states: “ It is the heart of meat, it is meat in pure state and whoever partakes of it assimilates a bull like strength.

It is very interesting that in Homeros’s Odyssey people never eat fish. Who knows, perhaps Odysseus did not like fish. But how could the heroes eat those weak animals, which are caught very easily. Of course they were going to eat the meat of those strong big animals!

Yes, Cyprus is a steak chop always ready to be eaten by the heroes. It is a gift given by Antonio’s to Cleopatra, by Richard the Lion Heart to his fiancée Berengaria. It is a tiny little present. People give carvings of the Cyprus maps to each other as presents to be hanged on the walls.

It is a ship alone in the sea with an unknown destiny. It has halted at a certain time in history and can not move.

It is a violin playing sad tunes.

It is like a historical monument conquered by many.

It is the center of the world for the Cypriots but hardly visible on the world map.

It is small and “small is beautiful.” It is a baby with two mothers and since they can not share it they tore it apart.

It is like Pinocchio; its nose becomes longer as it lies.

It is like an imperialist finger pointing to the Middle East.

It looks like a seashell; precious and rearly found.

It is almost noble. The island of the queen. Still in the streets of Kyrenia you can notice some old English gentlemen and ladies g-oing around in the nostalgia and pretence of being the masters of the island.

Othello must have been very angry with Desdemona when he said:
You are welcome sir, to Cyprus, goats and monkeys.”

The island is cute but a bit snobbish with her nose up. It looks like saying, “Everybody desires me. Of course I am Aphrodite’s island with the legend that the first whore of the world was from Cyprus.”

It is a cookie beaten by many. It looks like a gun, an alligator, very dangerous.

Once it was a carnivorous bird, perhaps Phoenix. It should have been a gentle swan with its attractive brightness. One day it could not carry its weight and gently descending from the blue heavens landed on the Mediterranean Sea and was turned to stone. The Gods could not carry this sin.

It was discovered early on in history. One of the earliest surviving references to any map in Western literature includes Cyprus; it appears in Herodotus history. Many versions of it were drawn throughout history. The Italian Dali Sonnetti is claimed to be one of its cartographers.

In a sonnet written by him he boasts:
To prove this feat achieved by me
Bartelemo dali Sonetti
I intend to demonstrate with true effect
How I have searched the Aegean Sea
And how, with compass to the wind
I have stepped repeatedly upon each isle
Its ports and bays, its rocks both bare
And filled with growth, and with stylus
Marked their true position on the chart
. ”

In official Turkish history it is stressed that once it was attached to the Iskenderun Gulf and then broke adrift. Certainly she is the daughter of a Turkish mother! It seems to be carved from the Bosphorus bay and thrown into the Mediterranean.

(To see animation, please click here >>>>)

By official Greek history it is shown as a continuation of the Greek islands and is put in a frame and carried to the Aegean. She is the eldest daughter of mother Greece.

It is like a cloud in the Mediterranean sky. It matches with the heavens. It is independent and envied by many. That is the reason why it does not have political independence.

Some say that the Carpas Peninsula, which was on the bargaining table during the 1964 discussions, the prize of the Turkish Cypriots in a possible division, looks like a penis. That is why “she” may be “he”.

It is like a bribe to be given in the bargain of big territories. “ Accept as a gift please!”

It look likes a piglet who lost its way in the sea.

It is like a butcher’s knife; the bloody knife of history.

It is a baby’s cradle. A child to be adopted by many. Mermaids and fishes are singing her lullabies.

It is a suffering mother who has lost thousands of sons. The “ Sorrow Mother” for poet Fikret Demirag.

To comment about it is dangerous. It gives away your political position. We must remember that once a Turkish Cypriot TV programmer was punished for wearing a T-shirt with an undivided Cyprus.

The dividing line?

It’s a contribution of history to the map and our artist comments about it:
The line inside does not fit with this already awkward island. If we consider the two portions of a whole in accordance with forms and aesthetic criteria none of them gets a score especially the southern part. So hopeless… So hopeless…

It looks like a pan where a magic dish is cooked by the witch of the Mediterranean.

It is a dragon. The protector of the sea.

It is a man with a big nose. Cyrano de Bergerac wandering in the Mediterranean.

It is a means to bargain. It is on the political table. Actually it is a non-map.

Children think that the division line hurts and bleeds. So why do they call it “green line “ rather than “red line”?

The red line is used on the political table to draw a country for the people according to percentages.

Turkish soldiers send their families their photographs placed in a heart in the middle of divided Cyprus: “I, the hero, have protected this babyland for the sake of our glorious nation."

In Greek Cypriot propaganda documents blood is dripping from the North. “ Don’t forget the invasion” is the message. The island is suffering and raped.

Turkish Cypriot propaganda documents stated for many years that there was happiness and prosperity in the North; the division line is proudly stressed. A white dove of peace is on a military tank. The sun rises from the North. Mother Turkey saves her baby.

It is unstable. It can loose its balance at any moment and be drawn in the sea. It is said that this happened three times in history.

For Lawrence Durell it is the island of bitter lemons:

Better leave the rest unsaid
Beauty, darkness, vehemence
Let the old sea nurses keep

Their memorials of sleep
And the Greek sea’s curly head
Keep its calms like tears unshed

Keep its calms like tears unshed

An island is a place for Utopia. It is a reference to realization of dreams. Island is an I-land but “ no man is an island”

The cartographer does not want to break his wife’s heart and he adds an island to the world map for the sake of the senyora who says: Darling, please add a little island here, just for me.

It is an open prison. The guardians are all around. An island is a place where you make plans to escape from or you might dream of seeking escape .

But what kind of a home is an island when so many aliens come and become the new landlords?

It is a place where blue and green meet and dance. Sometimes green turns red and fights with blue.

If you are looking for something to take home a lot of souvenirs are present for the tourists The Cyprus map is needlework on tablecloths and pillows. Cypriots sleep and wake up with their map. It is on ashtrays and coffee cups (There is a big confusion if it is Turkish coffee or Greek coffee)

It is printed on silk, to be hanging on the walls; ornamented with signs. Hellenistic signs are stressed by Greek Cypriots whereas Turkish and Islamic symbols are avoided and vice versa for Turkish Cypriots. You can read the fortune of politics on the coffee cups.

But if you want to buy a Cyprus kitsch I suggest that you buy a wineglass. This is much closer too Dyonissos.

It is the island of Eros with the Aphrodite cult. It is a lovesick woman centuries old with its erotic carvings. Many lovers have left their marks on her and her latest romance is a love triangle.

It is very strategic. As if situated on the sea, as a military base. It looks like a tank ready to fire.

It is homework for children to be drawn by memory

A cake to be shared with the enemy.

It is a teardrop shed by Anatolia who has been a mother for so many ethnicitys. It is pregnant since it is laboring for centuries for the baby of peace.